Fallout season is well underway! We admitted our first 'a'o of the season on October 4th and have been seeing more each day. Get ready for October's numbers in next month's newsletter. 😱
Keep your eyes peeled for grounded seabirds, Kaua'i! The more birds that are found and brought to aid stations island-wide, the greater the impact we're able to have. To locate your nearest aid station, visit our website. Mahalo!
SOS is an Unincorporated Nonprofit Association and fiscally sponsored by the Hawai'i Wildlife Center, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit organization.
As the only Federal and State permitted wildlife facility on Kaua‘i, Save Our Shearwaters provides life-saving care to Hawai'i’s native birds in need. When you donate, you help us continue to rescue, rehabilitate, and release native wildlife. Mahalo nui loa from all of us at SOS (our feathered friends included)!